Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hello everyone (emphasis on the "one")

I am not a chef.

I just want to get that out now. I've never gone to cooking school (though that sounds fun), I've actually never even taken a cooking class. Ok that's a lie, once right after high school I enrolled in some college classes for the summer, and ended up taking a cooking class with my friend (now cousin-in-law) Ryan. I didn't even get college credit, so maybe it didn't count after all. I just know I like to cook. Growing up, I'd try to spice up our typical American fare with international recipes. I don't know why I was fascinated with them--- I think it's because my dad's idea of summer vacation was usually to go to the nearest swimming pool the second town down the road. I dreamed of traveling the world, and the kitchen was the only way I could express that desire.

After graduation, my cooking desires came in spurts. It was hard to cook for just myself... I mean it tasted good, but who wants 6 meals in a row of the same thing? And so I dabbled. And picked up some really good recipes along the way, from friends from all over the world. I guess part of me is still wanting to taste what people eat all over the globe.

My friend Serena apparently keeps a cooking blog, and that inspired me to start doing the same. That and a few people I know have asked me for some of the recipes I make. So I thought I'd put them here. I will give credit wherever I can, otherwise, for example if I make something my mom used to make, I guess I'll credit her. Please don't sue her, she was just trying to feed the six of us for heck's sakes.

That's about all the introduction I need, I guess. Shall we start cooking?

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